Discover the Delight of Croquetas de Cabrales: A Culinary Journey with Monsieur Cuisine

Discover the Delight of Croquetas de Cabrales: A Culinary Journey with Monsieur Cuisine

Discover the Delight of Croquetas de Cabrales: A Culinary Journey with Monsieur Cuisine


If you’re a fan of Spanish cuisine and love the bold flavors of blue cheese, then you’re in for a treat with this recipe for Croquetas de Cabrales. These crispy and creamy croquettes are a popular tapas dish in Spain, and with the help of the Monsieur Cuisine, you can recreate this delightful dish in your own kitchen.


  • 250g Cabrales cheese
  • 50g butter
  • 100g all-purpose flour
  • 500ml milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 200g breadcrumbs
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Step 1: Prepare the Cabrales Cheese

Begin by grating the Cabrales cheese and set it aside for later use.

Step 2: Make the Bechamel Sauce

In a saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter. Once melted, add the flour and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Gradually pour in the milk while whisking continuously to avoid lumps. Cook the mixture for about 5 minutes, or until it thickens and resembles a smooth sauce.

Step 3: Add the Cheese and Seasoning

Remove the saucepan from heat and stir in the grated Cabrales cheese until it melts completely. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Allow the mixture to cool down.

Step 4: Shape the Croquettes

Once the mixture has cooled down, take a small portion of the mixture and shape it into a croquette using your hands. Repeat this process until all the mixture is used. Place the shaped croquettes on a tray lined with parchment paper.

Step 5: Coat the Croquettes

In one bowl, beat the eggs. In another bowl, place the breadcrumbs. Dip each croquette into the beaten eggs, ensuring it is fully coated. Then, roll it in the breadcrumbs, pressing gently to ensure an even coating. Place the coated croquettes back on the tray.

Step 6: Fry the Croquettes

Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan to approximately 180°C. Carefully add the croquettes, a few at a time, and fry until golden brown and crispy. This usually takes about 3-4 minutes per batch. Once done, remove the croquettes from the oil and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.

Step 7: Serve and Enjoy

Once all the croquettes are fried, transfer them to a serving plate. These croquettes are best served hot and crispy. You can enjoy them as a standalone appetizer or pair them with a dipping sauce of your choice.

With this recipe, you can experience the delightful flavors of Cabrales cheese in a crispy and creamy croquette. The Monsieur Cuisine makes the preparation process a breeze, allowing you to enjoy this Spanish delicacy in the comfort of your own home.

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